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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Dev Psychopathol. 2017 Apr 3;29(4):1371–1390. doi: 10.1017/S0954579417000323

Table 1.

Sample Correlation Matrix, Means, and Standard Deviations for Study Variables.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  1. Youth nativity .12** .24*** −.16*** −.20*** −.10* .01 .18*** −.01 −.07 −.05 .00 −.03 .08 .07 −.04 −.10* −.02 −.04 .15**
  2. Youth gender .12** .00 .03 .01 −.07 −.05 .05 −.03 .09 .05 .00 −.05 .10* .13** .04 .00 .02 .14** .20***
  3. W1 ECON HARD .24*** .00 .04 .01 .10* .02 .16*** .13** .00 .03 .25*** .12** .06 .13** .09* .07 .08 .05 .12**
  4. W1 M HARSH −.16*** .03 .04 .55*** .33*** .32*** .21*** .32*** .13** .09* .12** .02 .11* .11* .11* .11* .13** .09* .05
  5. W1 CM CONF −.20*** .01 .01 .55*** .45*** .34*** .26*** .43*** .18*** .15** .07 .02 −.07 .07 .19*** .14** .09 .05 .02
  6. W1 family conflict −.10* −.07 .10* .33*** .45*** .50*** .24*** .37*** .11* .13** .07 .04 −.11* −.01 .25*** .18*** .04 .03 .10*
  7. W1 PHASS/CONF .01 −.05 .02 .32*** .34*** .50*** .48*** .55*** .14** .13** .06 .09* −.01 .04 .32*** .17*** .04 .07 .11*
  8. W1 discrimination .18*** .05 .16*** .21*** .26*** .24*** .48*** .54*** .03 .08 .05 .03 .08 .12** .18*** .06 .07 .14** .08
  9. W1 REL AGG −.01 −.03 .13** .32*** .43*** .37*** .55*** .54*** .12* .08 .10* .07 .01 .11* .19*** .07 −.02 .00 .03
10. W1 externalizing .01 .09 −.01 .24*** .26*** .36*** .35*** .20*** .22*** (.15**) .59*** .32*** .18*** .02 −.05 .17*** .15** .21*** .25*** .13**
11. W2 externalizing .00 .01 .00 .09 .13** .23*** .31*** .10* .10* .40*** (.22***) .24*** .30*** −.05 −.06 .21*** .18*** .20*** .24*** .15**
12. W1 internalizing −.02 −.02 .05 .19*** .27*** .35*** .45*** .34*** .39*** .39*** .22*** (.10*) .46*** .04 .01 .03 .09* .07 .10* .05
13. W2 internalizing −.04 −.04 .04 .11* .15** .26*** .36*** .22*** .28*** .19*** .43*** .42*** (.18***) −.03 .00 .05 .17*** .08 .10* .08
14. W2 MACV .08 .10* .06 .11* −.07 −.11* −.01 .08 .01 −.07 −.15* −.02 −.04 .39*** −.04 −.06 −.01 −.02 .06
15. W2 MCV .07 .13** .13** .11* .07 −.01 .04 .12** .11* .02 −.03 .00 .02 .39*** .00 −.03 .04 .00 .06
16. W2 deviant peers −.04 .04 .09* .11* .19*** .25*** .32*** .18*** .19*** .21*** .46*** .17*** .29*** −.04 .00 .37*** .13** .11* .10*
17. W3 deviant peers −.10* .00 .07 .11* .14** .18*** .17*** .06 .07 .18*** .22*** .14** .13** −.06 −.03 .37*** .31*** .27*** .14**
18. W3 ALC-SUB use −.02 .02 .08 .13** .09 .04 .04 .07 −.02 .16*** .11* .01 −.01 −.01 .04 .13** .31*** .46*** .07
19. W4 ALC-SUB use −.04 .14** .05 .09* .05 .03 .07 .14** .00 .20*** .14** .06 .07 −.02 .00 .11* .27*** .46*** .19***
20. W4 N Sex Partner .15** .20*** .12** .05 .02 .10* .11* .08 .03 .19*** .18*** .02 .00 .06 .06 .10* .14** .07 .19***
N 749 749 745 749 749 749 749 747 749 733 (720) 708 (705) 734 (725) 708 (706) 705 706 710 613 605 567 591
Sample mean .30 .51 .00 2.05 2.00 1.17 3.12 1.86 1.84 1.64 (1.96) 2.71 (2.14) 11.91 (6.55) 10.32 (5.15) 4.16 2.75 1.34 1.65 .36 .37 .94
Standard deviation .81 .75 .56 1.50 2.85 .86 .90 2.28 (2.87) 3.23 (2.85) 8.09 (6.55) 7.44 (6.06) .39 .63 .44 .59 1.65 1.64 1.91



p < .05.


p < .01.


p < .001.

For the sample correlations, sample size = 477 due to list-wise deletion. For the sample mean and sample standard deviation, the sample size for each study variable was included in the table. In the correlation matrix, the lower and upper triangles reflect the sample correlations among variables in the models based on youth-reported versus parent-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms, respectively. Intercorrelations of youth- and parent-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms are reported in the parentheses along the diagonal of the correlation matrix. For the sample size, sample mean, and sample deviation of the internalizing and externalizing symptoms, those of the youth report were reported first, followed by those of the parent report in parentheses. Youth nativity was coded 0 = US-born, 1 = Mexico-born; youth gender was coded 0 = female, 1 = male. ECON HARD = economic hardship; M HARSH = mother harsh parenting; CM CONF = child conflict with mother; PHASS/CONF = peer hassles/conflict; REL AGG = relational aggression; MACV = Mexican American cultural values; MCV = mainstream values; ALC-SUB = alcohol-substance; N Sex Partner = number of sex partners.