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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: World Neurosurg. 2017 May 27;105:238–248. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.05.101

Table 1.

Comparison of BTF Recommendations (3rd Edition) for severe TBI and status of locally available treatment in Tanzania.

Topic BTF Recommendation Data
Status in Tanzania


Blood Pressure • Monitor blood pressure in all patients II Available

Oxygenation • Monitor oxygen saturation in all patients III Available

Intracranial Pressure (ICP) • Monitor ICP in patients with severe TBI and an abnormal CT scan II Unavailable
• Monitor ICP in patients with severe TBI and a normal CT scan if ≥ 2 of the following present at admission: age >40y/o, unilateral or bilateral motor posturing, SBP <90mmHg III Unavailable

Brain Oxygen • Monitor jugular venous saturation or brain tissue oxygen for cerebral oxygenation III Unavailable

Cerebral Perfusion • Monitor cerebral perfusion parameters including blood flow, oxygenation, and metabolism to facilitate CPP management III Unavailable


Blood Pressure • Treat SBP<90mmHg II Attempted

Oxygenation • Treat PaO2 <60 mm Hg or O2 saturation <90% III Attempted

ICP • Treat ICP > 20 mm Hg II Unable to monitor
• Use ICP values, clinical and brain CT findings to determine need for treatment III Unable to monitor ICP

Brain Oxygen • Treat jugular venous saturation <50% or brain tissue oxygenation tension <15 mmHg III Unable to monitor

Cerebral Perfusion • Avoid aggressive attempts to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) above 70 mm Hg with fluids and vasopressors because of the risk of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) II Unable to monitor
• Target CPP 50–70 mm Hg. Patients with intact pressure autoregulation tolerate higher CPP III Unable to monitor
• Avoid CPP of < 50 mm Hg. III Unable to monitor


Hyperosmolar Therapy for elevated ICP • Mannitol (0.25 gm/kg to 1 gm/kg) is effective II Available and used
• Before ICP monitoring, use only for signs of transtentorial herniation or progressive neurological deterioration III Available and used
• No current recommendation for use of hypertonic saline --

Prophylactic Hypothermia • Does NOT decrease mortality III Unavailable
• Increases GOS scores

Infection Prophylaxis • Antibiotics before intubation reduce pneumonia incidence (but NOT LOS or mortality) II Available and used
• Early tracheostomy reduces ventilator days (but does NOT reduce mortality or pneumonia) II Available and used
• Do NOT routinely change ventricular catheters III Catheters unavailable
• Do NOT use prophylactic antibiotics for duration of ventricular catheter placement
• Early extubation does not increase pneumonia III Available, not used

Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis • Use graduated compression stockings or intermittent pneumatic compression stockings III Unavailable
• Use low molecular weight heparin or low dose unfractionated heparin in combination with mechanical prophylaxis III Available, not used
• There is an increased risk of expansion of intracranial hemorrhage
• Insufficient evidence for preferred agent, dose, or timing of pharmacologic DVT prophylaxis

Anesthetics, analgesics, and sedatives • Do NOT use prophylactic high dose barbiturate coma II Available, not used for coma
• Barbiturate coma may be used to control elevated ICP refractory to maximum medical and surgical treatment II Available, not used for coma
• Propofol can improve ICP but NOT mortality or 6 month outcomes. High dose propofol can produce significant morbidity II Unavailable

Nutrition • Feed to full caloric needs by day 7 post-injury II NG feeds used, but caloric content unmeasured

Anti-seizure Prophylaxis • Do NOT use prophylactic phenytoin or valproate for late posttraumatic seizures (PTS) prevention II Available and used
• Use Anticonvulsants to decrease incidence of early PTS within 7 days of injury. However, early PTS is NOT associated with worse outcomes II

Hyperventilation • Do NOT use prophylactic hyperventilation II Available, not used.
• Use hyperventilation only as a temporary measure to reduce ICP III
• Avoid hyperventilation in initial 24 hours after injury III

Steroids • Do NOT use steroids to improve outcomes or reduce intracranial pressure. High dose methylprednisolone increases mortality. I Available, not used

Data Class according to BTF guidelines, see Table 1 of the BTF guidelines for details16