Magnetic CTC isolation technologies. (A) Workflow of the
CellSearch™ CTC Test versus the CellSearch™ Profile Kit.
(B) Workflow and diagram of the iChip, here shown in positive
selection mode. The blood is debulked, the remaining cells are focused, and
magnetically labelled cells (CTCs in positive selection mode, WBCs in negative
selection) are preferentially forced into a separate outlet.107
(C) A diagram of the Ephesia microfluidic technology, which aligns
anti-EpCAM magnetic microbeads into solid supports for CTC isolation that can be
released by removing the magnetic field.33,60
(D) Velocity valley114,116 and
magnetic ranking118
technologies for isolating magnetically labelled CTCs in zones of varying
velocity or magnetic field strength, respectively, which provides phenotypic
ranking of CTC antigen (e.g., EpCAM) expression in addition to enumeration.
X-shaped microstructures reduce fluid velocity so magnetic forces can provide
efficient CTC recovery. (E) The μHall device detects CTCs
labelled with magnetic nanoparticles passing over a μHall sensor, which
induces a voltage proportional to antigen expression. The sample stream (pink)
is focused over 8 staggered μHall sensors that compensate for variable
CTC position.121 Figure
panels reproduced from reference107 with permission from The American Association for the
Advancement of Science, copyright 2013; reference114 with permission from Wiley, copyright 2015;
reference118 with
permission from Nature Publishing Group, copyright 2017; and reference121 with permission from The
American Association for the Advancement of Science, copyright 2012.