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. 2017 Aug 29;17:609. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2554-z

Table 5.

Psychosocial job stressors and self-rated health, male doctors, random and fixed effect regression models, adjusted for all variables, MABEL, 2001 to 2008

Random effects model Fixed effect model
Obs = 12,123, ppl = 5130. Obs = 854, ppl = 239.
OR 95% CI p value OR 95% CI p value
Job demands 1 1
(1-low to 4-high) 1.58 1.33, 1.87 < 0.001 1.38 1.08, 1.78 0.009
Lack of social support 1 1
(1-low to 4-high) 1.05 0.92, 1.19 0.508 1.01 0.84, 1.22 0.882
Job insecurity 1 1
(1-low to 4-high) 1.06 0.90, 1.25 0.454 0.92 0.71, 1.20 0.547
Job control 1 1
(1-low to 4-high) 1.48 1.27, 1.72 < 0.001 1.31 1.05, 1.64 0.016
Rewards at work 1 1
(1-low to 4-high) 1.29 1.10, 1.51 0.002 1.04 0.82, 1.32 0.748
Work-life imbalance 1 1
(1-low to 4-high) 2.26 1.78, 1.70 < 0.001 1.75 1.27, 2.41 0.001
Family restrictions 1 1
(1-low to 4-high) 1.41 1.17, 1.71 < 0.001 1.09 0.82, 1.44 0.566
Workplace aggression
 No 1 1
 Yes 1.06 0.73, 4.54 0.775 1.07 0.76, 1.51 0.690
Working hours
 35–40 1 1
 Under 35 2.11 1.27, 3.54 0.01 1.13 0.52, 2.47 0.746
 Over 40 0.81 0.57, 1.16 0.254 1.2 0.73, 1.99 0.479
Age 1.23 1.00, 1.51 0.051 1.03 0.63, 1.69 0.897
On call working hours
 No 1 1
 Yes 0.98 .69, 1.39 0.915 0.98 0.57, 1.70 0.95
Medical specialisation
 GP 1
 Specialist 0.43 0.29, 0.64 < 0.001
 Hospital non-specialist 0.5 0.24, 1.03 0.059
 Specialist-in-training 0.69 0.38, 1.25 0.219
 No 1 1
 Yes 0.75 0.55, 1.01 0.062 0.67 0.23, 1.97 0.471
Presence of children
 No 1 1
 Yes 0.74 0.46, 1.19 0.214 0.66 0.18, 2.37 0.525

Notes: controls for cohort, year, and year medical degree was completed. Average waves included was 2.4 in the random effects model and 3.6 in the fixed effect model. OR = Odds Ratio; 95% CI = Confidence Intervals with 95% significance; p value = statistical significance set at 95%