Table 3.
Recommendations for funding policies and practices
Target audiences | Recommendations |
National policy bodies (e.g. elected government, governmental committees) National GHR networks | Develop a national strategic plan for GHR Set benchmarks for dedicated research supports in Canadian investments in global health Promote research on research, including promising practices in GHR |
Funding agencies (e.g. CIHR, GCC, IDRC) | Model transparency in GHR funding Create consistent GHR-friendly funding structures and policies Invest in communications about funding policies in ways that encourage equity-centred grant seeking and administration at the university level Open funding competitions to LMIC researchers |
People involved in teaching, supporting, using, doing or funding GHR | Explicitly acknowledge a foundational commitment to equity in the health and well-being of populations, communities and individuals (e.g. guided by the CCGHR Principles for GHR) |
CCGHR Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, CIHR Canadian Institutes of Health Research, GCC Grand Challenges Canada, GHR global health research, IDRC International Development Research Centre, LMIC low- and middle-income countries