(A) CR during the night decreases body weight, whereas CR during the day does not. Mice in the AD conditions were weighed on two consecutive days – fed and fasted, showing alternate days of weight gain and loss.
(B) Blood glucose levels are lower for mice with reduced food intake. An average of glucose levels measured at 4 time points for each mouse was used to determine the mean (± SD) per feeding condition (n=6).
(C) Mice in the CR condition consume significantly more food within the first 2.5h of food availability on the final day of the experiment. This correlates with the pattern of food consumption shown in Figure 2 -third column. With 0.315g/pellet and 3.35Kcal/g of diet, 11 pellets are equivalent to 11 Kcal. See also Figure S5D.
(D–F) Liver (D), stomach (E) and eWAT (F) weights as a percentage of total body weight measured for mice in each of the feeding conditions. Pictures of stomachs from representative mice are shown. See also Figure S5D for stomach size at the time of tissue collection.
Significant difference from AL condition (gray) is determined by ANOVA with Bonferroni’s correction where * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, and *** p < 0.001. Data are represented as mean ± SD (n=6).