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. 2017 Aug 31;24(4):e316–e322. doi: 10.3747/co.24.3533


Retrospective studies of adjuvant radiation therapy

Reference Pts (n) Systemic treatment [n (%)] Radiation Local control [n (%)]

Type [n (%)] Dose (Gy)
Percarpio and Knowlton 197627 4 Not reported Adjuvant 28–40 1 (25)
Nader et al., 198328 10 Not reported Adjuvant [5 (50)] Not reported 2 (20)
Markoe et al., 199129 5 Chemotherapy or mitotane [2 (40)] Adjuvant 42–60 3 (60)
Pommier and Brennan, 199230 3 Not reported Adjuvant 39–45 0/3
Crucitti et al., 199631 11 Chemoradiation [5 (45.5)] Adjuvant 30–52 Not reported
Jacob et al., 200032 5 Chemoradiation [2 (40)] Adjuvant 40–45 5 (100)
Fassnacht et al., 20063 14 5 (35.7) Adjuvant 41.4–54 12 (85.7)
Hermsen et al., 201033 3 Not reported Adjuvant Not reported 3 (100)
Sabloch et al., 201134 10 No Adjuvant [10 (38.5)] 45–57 8 (80)
16 Definitive [16 (61.5)] 22.5–73.51 5 (31.3)
Habra et al., 20134 16 4 (25) Adjuvant 36–59.4 9 (56.3)
Ho et al., 201335 14 Chemoradiation 7 (50) Adjuvant [2 (14.3)] 17.5–60 Of the 2 adjuvant patients, both experienced out-of-field recurrence
Palliative [12 (85.7)] 50.4–60
Else et al., 20145 59 Mitotane [42 (71.2) radiation and mitotane] Adjuvant Not reported Not reported.
Significant interaction observed between adjuvant mitotane and adjuvant radiation for recurrence-free survival when integrated in one model (hazard ratio: 0.4; p=0.03)
Sabolch et al., 201526 20a Mitotane concurrent with radiation Adjuvant 45–60 Adjuvant radiation: 19 (95)
Control groupa: 8 (40) (p=0.0005)

The 20 patients treated with adjuvant radiation were matched to 20 surgical control subjects not treated with radiation. Matching was based on stage, grade, margins, and adjuvant mitotane.