Effects of catalase on the stomatal response of Col-0, pip2;1-2, and S121D plants to flg22. Epidermal peels from the indicated genotypes were incubated in a bathing solution under light for 3 h, before application of 1 µM flg22 in the presence (Col-0: purple diamonds; pip2;1-2: pink triangles; S121D: green circles) or absence (Col-0: blue diamonds; pip2;1-2: tan triangles; S121D: sky blue circles) of 200 U of catalase. Stomatal aperture was measured every 30 min for 3 h. Data from three independent plant cultures, with a total of at least 80 stomata per condition. Error bars represent SEs. Letters indicate statistically different values (ANOVA, Newman–Keuls: P < 0.05).