Figure 6.
CoQ10 administration rescued nephrocyte functional and ultrastructural defects induced by Coq2 gene silencing. (A) Fluorescence micrographs showing nephrocytes of 1-day postemergence adult flies. Flies were reared from embryos on standard food supplemented with the indicated concentrations (1% or 5%) of CoQ10 (Q10). Left panels (MHC-ANF-RFP) show intracellular ANF-RFP fluorescence (red). Right panels (MHC-ANF-RFP Hand-GFP) show RFP (red) merged with GFP (green, mostly nuclear). A GFP transgene is expressed under the control of a Hand gene enhancer (Hand-GFP) to confirm pericardial nephrocyte cell identity.23 All flies are transgenic for Hand-GFP. Control flies carry the Dot-Gal4 driver but no RNAi construct. Coq2 flies carry Dot-Gal4 driving RNAi transgene silencing Coq2 expression. (B) Quantitation of RFP levels in control versus Coq2-IR nephrocytes (expressed relative to control) with no Q10, 1% Q10, or 5% Q10 dietary supplementation. For each genotype, 30 nephrocytes (six nephrocytes from each of five flies) were examined (*P<0.05). (C) TEM showing mislocalized slit diaphragms and irregularly spaced and collapsed lacunar channel ultrastructure induced by Coq2 silencing (upper panel) rescued by administration of 5% Q10 (lower panel). Scale bar, 300 nm. (D) Quantitation of ectopic slit diaphragms in Coq2-IR versus Coq2-IR plus 5% Q10 supplementation nephrocytes. Average number of slit diaphragms positioned along interior channel membranes per 2000 nm length of cell circumference (*P<0.05). (E) The average distance (in nm) between normally localized slit diaphragms in Coq2-IR versus Coq2-IR plus 5% Q10 supplementation nephrocytes (*P<0.05). (F) ROS levels in normal (control) and Coq2-silenced (Coq2) nephrocytes were indicated by oxidized DHE red fluorescence in the cell nucleus. ROS levels were higher in Coq2-IR nephrocytes, and feeding Coq2-IR larvae a diet supplemented with 5% Q10 reduced nephrocyte ROS levels. Dashed lines indicate cell nuclei (determined from DAPI staining, not shown). (G) Levels of DHE red nuclear fluorescence expressed relative to normal control larval nephrocytes fed a nonsupplemented diet. Coq2 gene silencing led to a 2.5–3-fold increase in ROS levels. Feeding Coq2-IR 5% Q10 lowered ROS to normal levels. In each case, 30 nephrocytes (six nephrocytes from each of five larvae) were examined (*P<0.05).