Comparison of primer extension
efficiencies past the lesion by varying the 3′ terminal
base pair (N:L). The L-modified or unmodified 34mer template (sequences
1 and 2, respectively, 0.6 µM) was primed
with different 32P-labeled 19mers varied by the nature
of the base N at their 3′ end (N = A,
sequence 4; N = C, sequence 5; N = G, sequence
7; N = T, sequence 6; 0.05 µM).
Reactions were conducted for 30 min at 30°C
in the presence of the four dNTPs (100 µM
each) using 0.02 U KF exo+, 0.01 U KF exo– and
4 U RT for the unmodified template and using a large enzyme excess
for the modified L template (0.2 U KF exo+,
0.1 U KF exo– and 10 U RT).