Figure 6.
Control of muscle cell differentiation by 14-3-3τ. 10T1/2 fibroblasts were transiently transfected with expression plasmids for MyoD (0.4 µg), HDAC4 (0.2 µg), 14-3-3τ (1.8 µg) and 14-3-3τR56,60A (14-3-3m) (1.8 µg). Transfected cells were transferred to differentiation medium 2 days after transfection and stained with anti-myosin antibodies after an additional 3 days in culture. Myogenic conversion refers to the percentage of myosin-positive cells in transfectants relative to transfectants expressing MyoD alone (100% represents ∼600 myosin-positive cells/35 mm dish). Values represent the means ± SD from al least two experiments.