Figure 2.
Large mammal fauna from Vallonnet Cave. (A) Pachycrocuta brevirostris, left mandible with dp2, dp3, P4, M1 in lateral view (Val-C4-CE8–149). (B) Bison schoetensacki, right metacarpal in dorsal view (Val-A7-B1–3748). (C) Bison schoetensacki, left radio-ulna with the diaphyses and the proximal extremity of radius (Val-D4-DE11-171), in dorsal-medial view, showing anthropic activities. (D) Ammotragus europaeus, left mandible with P3, P4, M1, M2, M3 (Val-B9-BJ13-751). (E) Hemitragus bonali, left metatarsal in dorsal view (Val-C9-CJ21-647). (F) Praemegaceros cf. verticornis, distal extremity of left humerus (Val-C8-B2-1859), in cranial view, showing anthropic activities.