Figure 6.
Repression of E2f3 in the absence of E2f1 and E2f2 is rapidly lethal in adult mice. (a) Histogram of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets in E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE control (n = 8) and E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE; β-actin-tTS mice following withdrawal of 100 mg/L tetracycline for 1 (−1, n = 3), 2 (−2, n = 3(erythrocytes), n = 2(leukocytes, platelets)) or 3 (−3, n = 5(erythrocytes, platelets), n = 4(leukocytes)) weeks. Error bars, s.e.m. Student’s two-tailed t-test; control vs. -2weeks, **P = 0.007 (platelets); control vs. -3weeks, *P = 0.027 (leukocytes); control vs. -3weeks, ***P < 0.0001 (platelets). (b) Survival curve of E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE control (n = 18) and E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE; β-actin-tTS mice maintained in the presence of tetracycline (+tetra, n = 10) or following removal of tetracycline (off tetra, n = 13). Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test; control vs. off tetra, ***P < 0.0001; +tetra vs. off tetra, ***P = 0.0006. (c) Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained images and Ki67 expression in bone marrow, spleen, and thymus in E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE control and E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE; β-actin-tTS mice 3 weeks after withdrawal of tetracycline. Scale bar 100 µm. Representative images from n≥4 mice. (d) Quantification of nucleated cells per 40x field of view of the bone marrow of E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE control (n = 4) and E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE; β-actin-tTS (n = 6) mice 3 weeks after withdrawal of tetracycline. (e) Quantification of enteroendocrine (Chromogranin A positive), goblet (Alcian blue positive) and Paneth (lysozyme positive) cells per intact villus or per intact crypt. In all cases, a total of 30 crypts/villi were counted per mouse from the small intestine of E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE control (n = 10(enteroendocrine, goblet), n = 9(Paneth)) and E2f1 −/−; E2f2 −/−; E2f3 TRE/TRE; β-actin-tTS mice following the indicated number of weeks (-1 weeks, n = 2), (-2 weeks, n = 2(enteroendocrine), n = 3 (goblet, Paneth)), (-3 weeks, n = 5(enteroendocrine), n = 6 (goblet, Paneth)) post withdrawal of tetracycline. Mann-Whitney test, control vs. -3 weeks, **P = 0.004 (enteroendocrine), 0.04* (goblet), 0.005** (Paneth).