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. 2017 Jan 30;152(2):435–444. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2017.01.026

Table 1.

Summary of Current Data

Study/Year Type Outcome No. Main Findings Confounders
Fernandez-Mendoza et al6/2012 Prospective, population-based HTN 786 Twofold ↑ odds HTN, almost fourfold ↑ odds with objective short sleep and insomnia Baseline + depression, SDB, DM, BP
Bathgate et al21/2016 Cross-sectional, clinic-based HTN 255 3.59 ↑ risk HTN in patients with insomnia with < 6 h sleep duration Baseline + use of hypnotic agents, ESS, AHI, DM, cholesterol, depression
Vgontzas et al7/2009 Cross-sectional, population-based HTN 1,741 5.1 ↑ odds HTN in patients with insomnia with < 5 hours sleep duration Baseline + DM, SDB, depression, sampling weight
Suka et al8/2003 Cross-sectional, clinic-based HTN 255 Almost twofold ↑ odds HTN with DIS or DMS Age, BMI, tobacco or alcohol use, job stress
Meng et al62/2013 Prospective, meta-analysis HTN 58,924 5% ↑ relative risk of HTN
Laugsand et al10/2011 Prospective, population-based CHD 52,610 1.45 ↑ odds acute MI with DIS and 1.3 ↑ odds acute MI with DMS Baseline (except race) + marital status, education, shift work, BP, lipid levels, DM, physical activity
Leineweber et al11/2003 Prospective, hospital-based CHD 292, female only Poor sleep quality associated with 2.5 ↑ risk recurrent CHD Age, BMI, HF symptoms, HTN, DM, HDL, triglyceride levels, education, depression
Li et al12/2014 Prospective, community-based sample of male health professionals CHD 23,447, men only 25% ↑ risk mortality with DIS, 9% ↑ with DMS Baseline + physical activity, Alternate Healthy Eating Index, marriage status, living status, anxiety, medications, sleep duration, snoring frequency, cholesterol level, HTN, DM, MI, stroke, LUTS
Mallon et al13/2002 Prospective, population-based CHD 1,870, men only 3.1 ↑ relative risk of CHD in men but not in women with DIS Age, marriage, living alone, smoking, BMI > 28, HTN, cardiac disease, respiratory disease, DM, joint pain, GI disease, depression, sleep duration, DIS, DMS, snoring, sleeping aid use, urogenital disease
Meisinger et al14/2007 Prospective, population-based CHD 6,896 12% ↑ relative risk in men and 53% ↑ in women with DMS, 16% ↑ in men and 30% in women with DIS Baseline + lipid levels, education, family history of MI, physical activity, HTN, DM, menopause status
Coryell et al15/2013 Cross-sectional, hospital-based CHD 102 Prevalence of moderate or severe insomnia in patients with ACS = 37% Descriptive study
Cappuccio et al16/2011 Prospective, meta-analysis CHD 474,684 Short sleep duration ↑ risk CHD by 48%
Hsu et al63/2015 Prospective, population-based CHD 44,080 68% ↑ risk of future MI, 85% ↑ risk of stroke, ↑ 81% ↑ risk composite CVD Age, sex, HTN, DM, lipid levels, PAD, CKD, CAD, CHF, chronic pulmonary disease
Ingelsson et al65/2007 Prospective, population-based cohort HF 2,322, men only 52% ↑ risk HF overall and 58% ↑ risk HF in overweight but not normal-weight participants BP, DM, LVH by ECG, smoking, BMI
Laugsand et al17/2014 Prospective, population-based cohort HF 54,279 4.53-fold ↑ risk HF in those with 3 symptoms of insomnia compared with those with no symptoms Baseline + education, shift work, marital status, MI, BP, physical activity, lipid levels
Sofi et al67/2014 Prospective, meta-analysis CVD mortality 122,501 +45% ↑ risk of development of or death from CVD
Li et al23/2014 Prospective, meta-analysis CVD mortality 311,260 41% ↑ risk MI, 28% ↑ risk CHD, 55% ↑ risk stroke, 33% ↑ risk CVD mortality
Parthasarathy et al40/2015 Prospective, population-based CVD mortality 1,409 58% ↑ risk death in persistent, but not intermittent, insomnia Baseline + physical activity, sedative use

Baseline: age, race, sex, tobacco use, alcohol use, BMI.

ACS = acute coronary syndrome; AHI = apnea-hypopnea index; CAD = coronary artery disease; CHD = coronary heart disease; CKD = chronic kidney disease; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DIS = difficulty initiating sleep; DM = diabetes mellitus; DMS = difficulty maintaining sleep; ESS = Epworth Sleepiness Scale; HF = heart failure; HTN = hypertension; LUTS = lower urinary tract symptoms; LVH = left ventricular hypertrophy; MI = myocardial infarction; PAD = peripheral arterial disease; SDB = sleep disordered breathing.