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. 2017 Aug 21;9(8):253. doi: 10.3390/toxins9080253

Table 3.

Multivariate regression analyses of variables on outcome (PRS ≥ 2) at 12 weeks after botulinum toxin injection, according to the number of previous injections (none or one, two or more).

Variables Coeff SE OR 95% CI (OR) p 1
Age −0.1084 0.1038 0.897 0.732 1.100 0.2960
 Male −0.1033 0.3986 0.902 0.413 1.970 0.7955
 Female 1.000
PRS Score −0.1924 0.0942 0.825 0.686 0.992 0.0410
 I 1.000
 II −0.4175 0.5709 0.659 0.215 2.016 0.4645
 III 0.3337 0.9564 1.396 0.214 9.100 0.7272
GMFM Score 0.0364 0.0246 1.037 0.988 1.088 0.1393
Previous injection
 >1 −0.7322 0.4405 0.481 0.203 1.140 0.0965
 0–1 1.000
 Bilateral −0.5490 0.4737 0.578 0.228 1.462 0.2465
 Unilateral 1.000

1 p Value calculated by logistic regression analysis, GMFCS: Gross Motor Function Classification System, GMFM: Gross Motor Function Measure, OR: Odds Ratio, CI: Confidence Interval.