Transcriptional profile of apoptosis-related genes in human islet grafts transplanted alone or with CP-ASCs. a Heat map comparing gene expression (only selective genes exhibiting at least a 1.4-fold change or p < 0.05 from baseline are shown) in islets harvested on day 3 post transplantation from recipient mice that received islets alone or islets with CP-ASCs. Each column represents an islet graft from a single recipient. Gene expression shown by pseudocolor scale: red, upregulation of expression; green, downregulation of expression. b Scatter plot report of the results from the RT2 Profiler™ PCR Array experiment, indicating positions of several noteworthy genes based on the fold-changes in expression between the control group and the hASC group. X axis, normalized gene expression in control group; Y axis, normalized gene expression in hASC group. Boundary used was fold-change ≥ 2. c RT-PCR analysis of gene expression in control islets or CP-ASC cotransplanted islets.*p < 0.05, Student's t test. d GSEA performed to identify the enrichment pathway by p ≤ 0.05 and False discovery rate ( FDR) ≤ 0.05 using GSEA v2.2.1 software. Each bar represents an enriched pathway with significance determined using the –log FDR value (shown on X axis). ASC adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell, CTR mice receiving islets alone, BMF Bcl-2 modifying factor, IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor-1, TNF tumor necrosis factor, TNFRSF11B TNF Receptor Superfamily Member 11b (Color figure online)