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. 2017 Aug 30;17:69. doi: 10.1186/s12905-017-0425-8

Table 3.

Roles and influence of different stakeholders

Stakeholders Role Level of Influence
Heshima Project Members Population Council (The Council) Led the consortium, designed the research, coordinated intervention. Long-term presence in Kenya (since 1960s). Respected by MOH (both as an institution - evidence for policy and individual staff). Engaged MOH prior to and during proposal development. Institutional knowledge existing maternal health research /evidence; Member of national technical working groups, support national policy, strategy and guidelines development. Rights-based approach to reproductive health services. High
Federation of Women’s Lawyers - FIDA Promotes women’s rights through advocacy Medium
Build on work on meditation for inheritance, land disputes and documenting abuses to women.
Contributed to policy and community component
National Nurses Association of Kenya- Midwifery Chapter Empower health providers to provide quality care Medium
Support health facility interventions: training in values clarification and attitude transformation, quality improvement teams, supervision with MOH
Steering Committee Kenya Obstetric/ Gynecological Society. University of Nairobi: Depts: Nursing, ObGyn. School of Public Health; WHO, UNICEF, MOH-Dept. of Nursing, Division of Reproductive Health, Nursing Council of Kenya Policy level mechanism to provide feedback on study design and implementation process Medium (as a group)
Review /develop study instruments and design and monitoring of intervention
MOH/public sector MOH headquarters Director of Public Health launched/supported project. Director of Medical Services committed throughout. Medium
Nursing Council of Kenya Semi-autonomous institution - legislative responsibility for Nursing/ midwifery training curriculum and examining board. Introduced revised regulatory standards, scope of practice and ethical code in 2013 High
Dept. of Nursing Technical support /design of intervention/supervision Medium
Division of Reproductive Health Technical support and policy guidance: participated in IR process, design and monitoring of intervention High
Department of Human Resources Project results used to support health sector reforms to address drivers of mistreatment including provider accountability Low
County health management teams Oversee policy implementation provide direction for implementation and monitoring result utilization. Medium
Facility/maternity unit managers Oversee policy implementation and provide supportive environment for frontline providers and community Medium –High
Service providers: nurses doctors, midwives Beneficiaries of training/Implement interventions High
Parliamentarians Advocacy Low
Media Advocacy Medium
International NGOs Reproductive health/ MNH partners: Jhpiego, IPAS, FCI, FHI360 Contributed to development of RMC resource package (training guide for facilitators, participants and communities) and advocacy. Medium
Community Community health extension workers Linkage between facility and community. Oversee and train CHVs facilitate alternative dispute resolution Medium
Community health volunteers/Legal aid officers Sensitize communities on universal rights, obligations for childbearing women and other rights issues. Medium
Sensitize how to demand for health rights and report incidents of mistreatment and help coordinate alternative resolution meetings
Community members Perceptions of disrespect and abuse, awareness of rights at baseline and endline beneficiaries Low
Women Perceptions of men extent of male involvement and how to support women
Mothers who have delivered in facilities Perceptions and experiences at baseline and endline Low
Private sector/ Faith based Institutions Civil society organizations CSOs: Participate in policy discussions and dissemination Low
Private /faith based providers Implementers of intervention
Reproductive Health Rights Alliance Steering committee member Low
Development partners USAID /Washington and Kenya Funded Heshima through TRAction Project (USAID/W) steering committee member (USAID Kenya) Medium
UNICEF - Kenya Steering committee member Low
WHO –Kenya Steering committee member Low