Figure 2.
Rapalog treatment recruits kinesin-1-EGFP- FRB to the pigment granules that bound TRP-1-FKBP-mCherry. Top and middle, fluorescence images of melanophores co-expressing TRP-1-FKBP-mCherry (left) and kinesin-1-EGFP- FRB (right) before (top) or after (middle) stimulation with rapalog; bottom, high magnification images (left and middle) and overlay (right) of boxed areas shown in low magnification images. Treatment of melanophores with rapalog leads to acquisition of EGFP fluorescence by the mCherry positive dots, indicating that kinesin-1-EGFP- FRB binds pigment granules. Scale bars, 5 μm (top) and 2 μm (bottom).