Figure 1. Subjects, task, and behavioral performance.
(a) The distribution of subjects included in our analyses. Each entry on the y-axis represents a unique subject. Each visit is indicated by a dot whose x-coordinate corresponds to the age of the subject at that visit. A solid line connects repeated sessions. Female subjects are rendered in black and males in gray. Inset histogram depicts the distribution of the number of single and return visits across subjects. (b) A schematic depiction of the variant of the memory-guided saccade task employed in our study. Developmental changes in behavioral performance for each task condition across age: (c) mean reaction time; (d) reaction time variability (standard deviation); (e) inaccuracy (average absolute value of SE); and (f) imprecision of memory-guided saccades (standard deviation of SE). Each black curve depicts the best fitting group-level age−1 trajectory. The gray envelope represents the 95% confidence bounds.