Figure 1.
The Summary of Bayesian Analyses Results. Panels A1, and B1 present prior’s and posterior’s distribution in Bayesian Analysis as well as provide the values of Bayes Factors: BF10: providing the relative evidence for alternative hypothesis and BF01: providing the relative evidence for null hypothesis. In the case of the number of living children (panel A1), and the number of dead children (panel B1) the probability that the null hypothesis is more plausible based on data at hand is several times higher than that the probability that the alternative hypothesis is true. Panels A2, and B2 present Bayes Factor Robustness Check analysis, showing how the effect changes depending on the Cauchy prior probability. In the case of the number living of children (panel A2), the number of dead children (panel B2) the evidence for the null hypothesis under the default prior (d = 0.707) is moderate. Bayes factor analyses were conducted in JASP statistical software60.