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. 2017 Aug 31;7:10124. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10638-x

Table 2.

List of the top 30 downregulated genes in Jagged1 treated hDPs compared with the control cells.

Gene Locus Name Entrez Gene Log2 (Ratio) q value
HEATR6 chr17:60041365-60078931 HEAT repeat containing 6 63897 −5.76 8.96E-04
MIR4737 microRNA4737 100616210
DKK2 chr4:106921801-107283784 Dickkopf 2 homolog 27123 −5.04 3.10E-03
SOST chr17:43753730-43758788 Sclerostin 50964 −4.24 1.42E-02
C4orf22 chr4:80266334-80963756 Chromosome 4 open reading frame 22 255119 −3.97 8.96E-04
FGF5 Fibroblast growth factor 5 2250
MYPN chr10:68105890-68212016 Myopalladin 84665 −3.88 8.96E-04
TNFRSF11B chr8:118923556-118952144 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b 4982 −3.76 8.96E-04
SDPR chr2:191834305-191847280 Serum deprivation response 8436 −3.58 5.62E-03
NOG chr17:56593698-56595590 Noggin 9241 −3.36 8.96E-04
NEFM chr8:24913760-24919093 Meurofilament, medium polypeptide 4741 −3.19 8.96E-04
KRT19 chr17:41523616-41528389 Keratin 19 3880 −3.03 8.96E-04
BIRC3 chr11:102317449-102339403 Baculoviral IAP repeat containing 3 330 −3.02 8.96E-04
RGCC chr13:41457405-41470877 Regulatory of cell cycle 28984 −3 8.96E-04
ZNF367 chr9:96385942-96418387 Zinc finger protein 367 195828 −2.98 8.96E-04
ANXA3 chr4:78551587-78610451 Annexin A3 306 −2.96 8.96E-04
FAM111B chr11:59107184-59155038 Family with sequence similarity 111, member B 374393 −2.82 1.57E-02
OXTR chr3:8750408-8769614 Oxytocin receptor 5021 −2.82 8.96E-04
SLC14A1 chr18:45724122-45752520 Solute carrier family 14 (urea transporter), member 1 (Kidd blood group) 6563 −2.81 8.96E-04
LPAR3 chr1:84811603-84893213 Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3 23566 −2.71 8.96E-04
CDCP1 chr3:45082273-45146422 CUB domain containing protein 1 64866 −2.6 8.96E-04
LRRC2 chr3:46515387-46566550 Leucine rich repeat containing 2 79442 −2.59 8.96E-04
KRTAP1-1 chr17:41025938-41168172 Keratin associated protein 1-1 81851 −2.55 8.96E-04
KRTAP1-3 Keratin associated protein 1-3 81850
KRTAP1-5 Keratin associated protein 1-5 83895
KRTAP4-3 Keratin associated protein 4-3 85290
KRTAP4-5 Keratin associated protein 4-5 85289
KRTAP4-6 Keratin associated protein 4-6 81871
KRTAP4-8 Keratin associated protein 4-8 728224
KRTAP9-7 Keratin associated protein 9-7 100505724
TOX chr8:58805417-59119208 Thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group box 9760 −2.54 1.69E-03
TCF21 chr6:133889120-133895537 Transcriptional factor 21 6943 −2.48 3.78E-03
CNIH3 chr1:224616363-224740547 Cornichom homolog 3 (Drosophila) 149111 −2.47 8.96E-04
TPD52L1 chr6:125153728-125263498 Tumor protein D52-like 1 7164 −2.45 8.96E-04
E2F2 chr1:23506427-23531220 E2F transcription factor 2 1870 −2.4 3.10E-03
ANO1 chr11:69985865-70189546 Anoctamin 1, calcium activated chloride channel 55107 −2.39 8.96E-04
LRRN3 chr7:110663049-111562517 Leucine rich repeat neuronal 3 54674 −2.38 4.46E-02
MET chr7:116672404-116798386 Met proto-oncogene (hepatocyte growth factor receptor) 4233 −2.38 8.96E-04
EDNRB chr13:77818936-77975529 Endothelin receptor type B 1910 −2.32 8.96E-04