Table 3.
smooth-coated otters |
Asian short-clawed otters |
effect | support | MAE (95% CI)a | support | MAE (95% CI)a | ratio |
sex (female/male) | 24.9% | 1.02 × (0.63–1.65) | 92.8% | 2.26 × (1.12–4.54) | ASC/SC = 2.22 × (0.71–6.95) |
offspring/parents | 100.0% | 6.10 × (1.11–33.53) | 27.1% | 0.95 × (0.56–1.62) | SC/ASC = 7.48 × (1.38–40.64) |
aMAE, model-averaged estimate averaged across the best supported set of models for that species (i.e. the cell with highest support in table 1), with back-transformed Wald 95% confidence intervals based on unconditional standard errors. The ratios of effects are taken from a combined OADA model for both species, including social transmission, sex and age, all of which were allowed to differ between species.