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. 2017 Jun 22;18(9):1559–1571. doi: 10.15252/embr.201744102

Figure 3. Phylogenetic profiles of the Rod–Zwilch–ZW10 (RZZ) complex, its mitotic interaction partners (Knl1, Zwint‐1, and Spindly), and ZW10's interphase interaction partners in the NRZ (NAG and RINT1) complex.

Figure 3

Presences and absences across eukaryotes of the RZZ subunits, Spindly, Zwint‐1, and Knl1, and of the NRZ subunits, NAG and RINT1. Colored areas indicate eukaryotic supergroups as in Fig 1. Right side: Pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between the phylogenetic profiles including a heatmap. The indicated threshold t represents the value of r for which we found a sixfold enrichment of interacting protein pairs (see Appendix Fig S1). See also Appendix Fig S3 for the procedure by which homology between Zwint‐1, Sos7, and Kre28 was detected.