Figure 8.
Characterization of the nop12-1 allele. (A) A nop12 null strain was transformed with the following plasmids: pKW42 (expresses Nop12p + C-terminal HA epitope tag); pRS313 (vector); pKW44 (carrying ‘nop12-1’, which encodes Nop12-1p); and pKW46 (carrying ‘nop12-1–HA’, which encodes Nop12-1p–HA). Replica platings of serial dilutions were grown for 2 or 13 days at the indicated temperatures on YPD. (B) Immunofluorescence localization in nop12Δ strains transformed with pKW46 or pKW42 was done as described in Figure 7. Nop12-1p–HA (a) and Nop12p–HA (e) were localized simultaneously with Nop1p (b and f). Counter-staining with DAPI (c and g) and phase contrast images (d and h) of the same fields of cells are shown. Bar, 5 µm.