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Table 3.

Multivariate models for overall mortality (1 − OS) and TRM in patients aged 70 years and older who received an allogeneic HCT

Effect No. HR 95% CI P
Overall mortality
HCT-comorbidity index
 0-2 479 1.000
 ≥3 415 1.269 1.070, 1.504 .0061
Donor type .0046*
 HLA-matched, related 202 1.000
 HLA-mismatched, related 67 1.209 0.848, 1.724 .2932
 HLA-matched, URD < = 30 y old 233 0.933 0.726, 1.199 .5874
 HLA-matched, URD > 30 y old 210 1.144 0.898, 1.457 .2754
 HLA-matched, URD of unknown age 19 0.838 0.425, 1.649 .6080
 HLA-mismatched, URD 67 1.324 0.945, 1.854 .1025
 HLA matching unknown, URD 45 1.178 0.782, 1.775 .4340
 UCB 51 1.963 1.372, 2.809 .0002
Conditioning intensity
 RIC/NMA 791 1.000
Overall mortality for patients with early/intermediate AML/MDS and chemosensitive NHL
 Male 359 1.00
 Female 165 1.30 1.03-1.65 .03
Conditioning intensity
 RIC/NMA 473 1.00
 MA 50 1.60 1.13-2.28 .009
TRM for patients with early/intermediate AML/MDS and chemosensitive NHL
Conditioning intensity
 RIC/NMA 473 1.00
 MA 50 2.06 1.32-3.22 .001

The first model for overall mortality in a population from 2008 to 2013 and all hematologic malignances. The second multivariate analysis includes models for overall mortality for patients with early/intermediate AML/MDS and chemosensitive NHL and TRM for a subset of patients with early and intermediate AML and MDS who received an allogenic HCT from 2008 to 2013.

MA, myeloablative; UCB, umbilical cord blood; URD, unrelated donor.


Donor type variable was tested with 7 degrees of freedom and divided the group of matched unrelated donor according to donor age divided at the median.