Figure 6. p28-Free RP Reconstruction and Insights into RP Assembly Pathway.
(A) Side-by-side comparison of the T3 density map of the p28-RP complex (on the left) with the cryo-EM map of the p28-free RP (on the right). Both maps, shown in a transparent surface representation, are superimposed with the pseudo-atomic model of the T3 state shown in cyan cartoon ribbons.
(B) The pseudo-atomic model of the p28-bound RP in the TA7 state fits well into the p28-free RP density except for the p28 highlighted in red. The p28 model is completely out of the cryo-EM density.
(C) A schematic illustrating the hypothetical CP-independent assembly pathway of RP prior to the 26S formation, which is compatible with our structural data. However, this hypothesis is subject to further tests and does not exclude alternative RP assembly pathways (Park et al., 2009; Roelofs et al., 2009).