Figure 2.
Results of Experiment 1. (A) Animals with lesions of the vmPFC did not differ in terms of baseline fear (BL) prior to the onset of the first shock nor did they show altered freezing throughout the trauma session. (B) Lesion animals also did not differ in shock reactivity during the trauma session. (C) When placed back into the trauma context the subsequent day, lesion animals did not display altered fear. (D) Fear of the traumatic context did not differentially generalize to a novel context between nonlesion and lesion animals, although animals that experienced the trauma did display significant generalization relative to no trauma controls. (E) After being exposed to a mild stressor in a novel context, animals that previously experienced the trauma showed increased freezing when placed back into the context associated with the mild stressor (evidence of SEFL). However, lesion animals showed an attenuation of this enhancement. Asterisk indicates significance at P < 0.05. Error bars reflect standard error of the mean. “BL” = Baseline.