The necrosis-inducing activity of BcXYG1 is mediated by NbBAK1 and NbSOBIR1. TRV-based VIGS vectors were used to initiate the silencing of NbBAK1 (TRV:NbBAK1) and NbSOBIR1 (TRV:NbSOBIR1). TRV:GFP was used as a control virus treatment in these experiments. A, Three weeks after the initiation of VIGS, MBcXYG1 (+SP) was transiently expressed in the gene-silenced leaves using A. tumefaciens infiltration. Leaves were photographed 3 and 5 d after treatment. B, Immunoblot analysis of proteins from the indicated N. benthamiana leaves transiently expressing MBcXYG1-HA. Top gels, MBcXYG1-HA was detected using anti-HA antibodies; bottom gels, Ponceau S-stained blots showing the Rubisco large subunit. C, Tobacco NbBAK1 and NbSOBIR1 expression levels after VIGS treatment determined by qRT-PCR analysis. The expression level in control plants (TRV:GFP) was set as 1. NbEF1α was used as an endogenous control. Means and sd from three biological replicates are shown. Asterisks indicate significant differences (P ≤ 0.01).