Figure 5.
BcXYG1 contributes to the establishment of the infection in early stages of pathogenic development. Bean leaves were inoculated with spores of the different strains, the leaves were photographed every 10 min, and the data were analyzed using PathTrack (Eizner et al., 2017). Images show selected time points during pathogenic development. Note the earlier and more intense appearance of local lesions in overexpression strains. The data show averages of time of first necrosis (1st necrosis), time when lesion spreading starts (Break), and lesion expansion rate (Expn. Rate). Data represent means and sd from four independent experiments each with the wild type and one of the mutants. The appearance of the first necrosis was significantly earlier (P ≤ 0.05) in all the overexpression strains than in the wild type and was similar between the deletion and wild-type strains, according to one-way ANOVA. The break time of the overexpression strains was slightly earlier than the break time of the wild-type strain; however, the differences were statistically insignificant (P ≤ 0.05). Strain designations are as follows: wt, B05.10 wild-type strain; Δbcxyg1, deletion of the bcxyg1 gene; OEXYG1, overexpression of the native bcxyg1 gene; OEMXYG1, overexpression of the mutated (no enzymatic activity) bcxyg1 gene; OENEP1, overexpression of the bcnpp1 gene (NEP1). Bars = 5 mm.