Phenotypes of OsPRI1 loss-of-function mutants. A, Phenotypes of 10-d-old seedlings. 3-d-old seedlings germinated in wet paper were shifted Fe-sufficient or Fe-deficient hydroponic media for 7 d. B, Severe chlorotic culms. Magnification of the right side of A. The red arrows indicate the chlorotic culms. C, Phenotypes of the third leaf. 7-d-old seedlings grown in Fe-sufficient media were shifted to Fe-sufficient or Fe-deficient media for 7 d. The third leaf was presented. D, Length of roots and shoots. 3-d-old seedlings germinated in wet paper were shifted Fe-sufficient or Fe-deficient hydroponic media for 7 d. Error bars represent the sd; n = 3. The value which is significantly different from the corresponding wild-type (WT) value was indicated by * (P < 0.05), as determined by Student’s t test. E, SPAD value. 7-d-old seedlings grown in Fe-sufficient media were shifted to Fe-sufficient or Fe-deficient media for 7 d. The newest leaf was used for determination of SPAD value. Error bars represent the SD; n = 3. The value which is significantly different from the corresponding wild-type value was indicated by * (P < 0.05), as determined by Student’s t test.