Figure 7. PAG inhibition increases social approach.
(a-d) Selective hM4D-mediated inhibition of Vglut2+ neurons in dPAG. Vglut2::Cre mice were infected with AAV-Syn::DIO-hM4D-mCherry in the dPAG (a), subjected to control and social defeat, and treated with CNO before social interaction testing. Defeated mice (b) spent less time investigating the intruder (defeat: F[1,11]=26.77, P=0.0003), (c) had shorter investigation bouts (defeat: F[1, 11] = 6.72, P = 0.025), and (d) made more retreats (defeat: F[1,11] =22.28, P=0.0006) when compared to control animals. Systemic administration of CNO in Cre+ mice (b) increased time spent investigating the intruder (treatment: F[1,11] = 13.12, P=0.004), but had no effect on (c) duration of investigation bouts or (d) retreats when compared to Cremice. n=6-7.