Figure 2. Strong and specific interactions between NLC and CLL cells are dependent on actin polymerization and on PI3K.
(A) PKH-67 (green) acquisition by CLL cells (red) after 5 min or 4 h of contact with PKH67+ NLC observed by confocal microscopy at 37°C. (B–D) PKH-67 acquisition by CLL cells (CD5+CD19+ gated cells) after 5 min or 4 h of contact with PKH67+ NLC observed by flow cytometry: one representative experiment in different conditions ((B) in the presence of different inhibitors or at 4°C), mean of 11 independent experiments at 37°C ((C) ratio of PKH67 MFI at 4 h vs PKH67 MFI at 5 min), mean of 9 independent experiments at 4°C or in the presence of different inhibitors ((D), ratio PKH67 MFI at 4 h with inhibitor treatment vs PKH67 MFI at 4 h without treatment (UT)).