(A) The strategy of generating double transgenic mice. (B) Representative images of microdissected whole-mount prostates from Tg2, Hi-Myc, and double transgenic mice of 3 months. Note that the white dots were observed only in the ventral lobes (VPs) of the double transgenic mice. (C) Representative images of microdissected VPs from 2-month old Tg2 (a), Hi-Myc (b), and Tg2; Hi-Myc (c and d; 2 animals) transgenic mice. Note prominent white spots only in the Tg2; Hi-Myc prostates. (D) H&E staining of whole-mount prostate sections of 3-month old Tg2, Hi-Myc, and double transgenic mice. The left panels are whole-mount prostate sections with low magnifications (40×); the middle and right panels are the four lobes of prostate sections (LP, DP, AP, and VP) with high magnifications (200×).