Figure 7.
The deconstruction of plant cell walls by enzymatic degradation can have opposite effect on epitope detections. The figure shows the effect of a pectate lyase pretreatment on the detection of the LM21 mannan epitope and the LM13 pectic arabinan epitope in transverse stem section of A. thaliana cut with a vibratome. Whereas the pectate lyase pretreatment (PL+) results in an increased detection of the LM21 epitope, it leads to a reduced detection of the LM13 epitope. (A,C) Sections pretreated with phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) (PL−). (B,D) Sections pretreated with a recombinant pectate lyase in CAPS buffer (pH 10) (PL+). A and B are transverse stem sections immunolabeled with the LM21 antibody. (C,D) show the immunolabeling of transverse epidermal sections with the LM13 antibody. Scale bar: (A,B): 100 μm, (C,D): 55 μm.