Effective indentation modulus, Eind, of 3-month old murine TMJ articular disc and condyle cartilage surfaces (n = 7 for each side of disc, and n = 10 for condyle cartilage, measured at 10 μm/s rate). (a) Comparison across three tissue sites. For condyle cartilage, each data point represents averaged values of ≥10 locations measured on the central region of one animal. For articular disc, each data point represents averaged value of ≥40 locations measured on all five regions of each animal. (b) Comparison across five different anatomical regions on the articular disc surface (A: anterior, P: posterior, C: central, M: medial, L: lateral), each data point represents averaged value of ≥8 locations measured on each region of one animal. Regions with different letters are statistically different (p < 0.05, mean ± 95% CI).