Figure 7.
ZPI inactivation by PS/PC vesicles oxidized with lipoxygenase. A, ●, oxidation of 500 μm 18:3 PS/PC with 40 μg/ml soybean lipoxygenase in 100 mm borate, 20 mm octyl glucoside, pH 9.0, monitored by conjugated diene formation at 234 nm. ○, spontaneous oxidation in the absence of lipoxygenase. B, progress curves of the inactivation of 150 nm ZPI by ∼200 μm 18:3 OxPS/PC (●) or unoxidized 18:3 PS/PC vesicles (○). Vesicles were oxidized with or without lipoxygenase as shown in panel A. After 1 h, oxidized and non-oxidized vesicles were dialyzed against pH 7.4 Tris buffer containing Chelex resin at 4 °C for ∼40 h with several buffer changes and then extruded several times with a 100-nm filter.