Table 2.
Correlations and Raw Descriptive Statistics for AUD Symptoms, Constraint, Negative Emotionality, and Aggressive Undercontrol from Ages 17 to 29 (N = 2,769)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
1. AUD Symptoms at age 17 | -- | |||||||||||
2. AUD Symptoms at age 24 | .36* | -- | ||||||||||
3. AUD Symptoms at age 29 | .28* | .49* | -- | |||||||||
4. Constraint at age 17 | −.29* | −.25* | −.24* | -- | ||||||||
5. Constraint at age 24 | −.20* | −.31* | −.28* | .64* | -- | |||||||
6. Constraint at age 29 | −.17* | −.27* | −.28* | .60* | .79* | -- | ||||||
7. Negative Emotionality at age 17 | .16* | .16* | .14* | −.10* | −.03 | −.02 | -- | |||||
8. Negative Emotionality at age 24 | .13* | .22* | .18* | −.13* | −.08* | −.08* | .55* | -- | ||||
9. Negative Emotionality at age 29 | .14* | .19* | .19* | −.12* | −.10* | −.08* | .53* | .74* | -- | |||
10. Aggressive Undercontrol at age 17 | .36* | .32* | .29* | −.81* | −.51* | −.49* | .40* | .29* | .27* | -- | ||
11. Aggressive Undercontrol at age 24 | .27* | .41* | .36* | −.57* | −.82* | −.66* | .20* | .39* | .31* | .61* | -- | |
12. Aggressive Undercontrol at age 29 | .25* | .36* | .36* | −.56* | −.69* | −.81* | .20* | .31* | .38* | .61* | .78* | -- |
M (SD) | .62 (1.54) | 1.06 (1.79) | .67 (1.51) | 134.48 (15.89) | 140.68 (15.73) | 143.48 (15.55) | 89.29 (14.14) | 81.46 (13.59) | 79.46 (13.59) | 47.08 (7.97) | 43.12 (7.54) | 41.61 (7.28) |
% Valid | 94.4 | 89.9 | 90.1 | 88.1 | 81.2 | 86.8 | 88.1 | 81.2 | 86.8 | 90.0 | 83.2 | 88.1 |
Notes. AUD = Alcohol Use Disorder, M = mean, SD = Standard Deviation. This table shows the zero-order correlations between AUD, constraint, negative emotionality, and aggressive undercontrol across time. Raw means, standard deviations, and percent of valid (non-missing) data for each variable are also shown.
denotes correlations that were significant at p < .05.