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. 2017 Sep 4;17:211. doi: 10.1186/s12862-017-1056-2

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Reconstructed phylogeny of the major eukaryotic lineages, for which myosin data were available. The topology is based on a comprehensive taxon-rich study using multiple fossil records for generating a time-resolved phylogenetic tree [3] with insertions showing the most likely phylogenetic positions of Apusozoa [13], Fonticula [67], Microsporida [68], and Labyrinthulomycetes [69]. The eukaryotic root is in the center of the tree. The exact branching of the major eukaryotic supergroups is not yet completely established. Branchings still controversial are indicated by dotted lines. Numbers at nodes designate divergence time estimates and were obtained from [3] and TimeTree [43]. Numbers at branches denote divergence times of splits that are not shown because of space limitations. Putative horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events are shown by dashed arrows. Myosin class inventions were placed at nodes and are represented by filled boxes with class names while orphan myosins indicating potential further classes are shown as boxes with “O”. White boxes mark myosin loss events. Myosin classes and orphans, whose ancestry could not be assigned to nodes with known divergence times, were placed at branch ends. The supposed second myosin prototype in the LECA is indicated by an “U” in the center of the tree