Performance of consumption of local rice, foreign rice, and mixed rice as well as the cooking method in the three groups HBM, ECO and control before and after the intervention.
Performance | HBM | Z | p-value | ECO | Z | p-value | CON | Z | p-value | |||
Before intervention N(%) |
After intervention N(%) |
Before intervention N(%) |
After intervention N(%) |
Before intervention N(%) |
After intervention N(%) |
Frequency consumption of LR Did not consume Consumes 1-3 times per week Consumes 4-7 times per week |
78(97.5) 0(0) 2(2.5) |
75(93.8) 4(5) 1(1.2) |
-7.98 | <0.001 |
70(87.5) 4(5) 6(7.5) |
54(67.5) 21(26.25) 5(6.2) |
-2.74 | 0.006 |
71(88.8) 2(2.5) 7(8.7) |
80(100)* 0(0) 0(0) |
-2.81 | 0.005 |
Frequency consumption of FR Did not consume Consumes 1-3 times per week Consumes 4-7 times per week |
3(3.8) 26(32.5) 51(63.7) |
63(78.8) 12(15) 5(6.2) |
-7.37 | <0.001 |
24(30) 14(17.5) 42(52.5) |
75(93.8) 3(3.8) 2(2.5) |
-6.65 | <0.001 | 28(35) 23(28.8) 29(36.3) |
8(10) 11(13.8) 61(76.3) |
-4.8 | <0.001 |
Frequency consumption of MR Did not consume Consumes 1-3 times per week Consumes 4-7 times per week |
79(98.8) 0(0) 1(1.2) |
22(27.5) 43(53.8) 15(18.7) |
-6.8 | <0.001 |
66(82.5) 3(3.8) 11(13.7) |
32(40) 41(51.3) 7(8.8) |
-2.73 |
0.006 |
61(76.3) 6(7.5) 13(16.3) |
72(90) 1(1.2) 7(8.7) |
-1.93 |
0.053 |
Cooking method Kateh Pilaw |
70(87.5) 10(12.5) |
18(22.5) 62(77.5) |
-6.7 |
<0.001 |
19(23.8) 61(76.2) |
8(10) 72(90) |
-3.31 |
0.001 |
7(8.8) 73(91.3) |
14(17.5) 66(82.5) |
-1.94 |
0.052 |
*Since at the time of data collection exactly after the intervention the amount of local rice in the market had reduced and its price increased consequently, we observed a lack of consumption in the control group. However, we saw an increase of consumption in both groups HBM and ECO that is an indicator of positive impact of educational intervention.