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. 2017 Apr 16;8(31):51888–51906. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17128

Table 1. Reduction–oxidation pathways involved in cancer development with frequency of appearance in reviews published 2005 - 2015.

No Name of pathway Frequency of appearance in 185 included reviews Frequency of appearance in 65 reviews with high information quality score Selected references
Intracellular ROS/RNS generating organelles and enzymes
1 Mitochondria 22 4 [5, 1517]
2 Endoplasmic reticulum 3 1 [5]
3 Peroxisomes 1 1 [5]
4 NADPH oxidase 22 3 [1820]
5 Cyclooxygenase 6 3 [2123]
6 Lipoxygenase 6 3 [21, 22, 24]
7 Nitric oxide synthase 6 3 [2527]
8 Cytochrome P450 1 1 [5]
9 Xanthine oxidase and oxidoreductase 1 1 [5]
10 Proline dehydrogenase 1 1 [28]
Signal transduction cascades kinases/ phosphatases
11 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 41 6 [2934]
12 Phosphoinositide 3-kinase 26 4 [3537]
13 Protein tyrosine kinase 10 4 [3740]
14 protein tyrosine phosphatase 16 4 [37, 4042]
15 Protein kinase C 7 3 [37, 43, 44]
16 Protein kinase Hippo 2 1 [45]
Transcription factors
17 Nrf2 29 4 [4649]
18 NF-κB 27 4 [5053]
19 HIF 22 4 [5457]
20 P53 22 6 [50, 5862]
21 AP-1 21 4 [37, 6365]
22 FOXO 16 4 [62, 6668]
23 STAT 10 2 [69, 70]
24 Wnt/β-catenin 7 4 [58, 7173]
25 APE1/Ref-1 6 2 [74, 75]
26 Smad 5 2 [58, 76]
27 Yap1 4 1 [6]
28 Sp1 4 1 [6]
29 AhR 2 1 [6]
30 Ets-1 3 1 [16]
31 Egr-1 1 1 [6]
32 Glucocorticoid receptor 1 1 [6]
33 Paired box 5 1 1 [6]
34 Paired box 8 1 1 [6]
35 TTF-1 1 1 [6]
36 USF1 1 1 [6]
37 NFAT 1 1 [37]
38 Myb 1 1 [37]

Abbreviations: AhR, Aryl hydrocarbon receptor; AP-1, Activator protein 1; APE1, Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, Ref-1, Redox effector factor-1; Egr-1, Early growth response protein 1; Ets-1, E26 transformation-specific-1; FOXO, Forkhead box O; HIF, Hypoxia-inducible factor; Myb, Transcriptional activator Myb; NFAT, Nuclear factor of activated T-cells; NF-κB, Nuclear factor-κB; Nrf2, Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2; P53, Tumor protein p53; Smad, Small mothers against decapentaplegic; Sp1, Specificity protein 1; STAT, Signal transducer and activator of transcription; TTF-1, Transcription termination factor 1; USF1, Upstream stimulatory factor 1; Yap1, Yes-associated protein 1.

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