Fig. 5.
Ultrastructural alterations in glomerular and tubulointerstitial capillary morphologies in model mice. a Ultrastructures of glomerular capillaries in the GL model by transmission electron microscopy. Injury and loss of glomerular capillaries and podocyte injury with accumulation of increased mesangial cells and matrix in Yaa mice (panel a). Thickened endothelial cytoplasms and basement membranes (asterisk) with vacuolation (arrow) (panel b). Detaching endothelium with subendothelial vacuolation (arrow) and thickened basement membranes projecting into a capillary lumen (asterisk) (panel c). Loss of endothelial fenestration in a peripheral capillary (arrows) (panel d). Detached endothelium and immune cells in the capillary lumen (arrows) (panels e and f). Podocyte foot process effacement (arrows) (panel g). Glomerular capillaries and podocytes ultrastructures were well preserved in BXSB mice (panel h). All bars = 2 μm, except for panel a = 10 μm. b Ultrastructures of tubulointerstitial capillaries in the TIL model by transmission electron microscopy. Stratification of a thickened endothelial cytoplasm with vacuolation (arrows) and wide subendothelial space (asterisks) (panel a). Endothelium (arrows) detaching from a tubulointerstitial capillary with accumulation of collagen fibers around the capillary (asterisk) (panel b). Control kidneys showed normal tubulointerstitial capillaries and podocytes (panels c and d). All bars = 2 μm. Cap: capillary. End: endothelial cell. Glo: glomerulus. Pod: podocyte