Table 1.
Summary of key questions used as interview guide.
Key questions |
(1) Could you please describe for me what has/have been your main source(s) of information about eating practices and food issues during |
pregnancy? |
Prompts |
(i) Appropriate weight gain or weight maintenance; food safety/listeria; sources of particular nutrients (e.g., iron, folate, omega-3 fatty |
acids, and iodine) |
Are there other sources of information that your friends have used during their pregnancies? |
(2) Are you satisfied with information provided by your healthcare providers? |
(3) Can you tell me about this information and how useful was it? (for each source of information, mainly: healthcare providers, media, |
and social network) |
Prompts |
(i) Were there aspects of the information that helped you to make changes to your eating practices? What was helpful/not helpful? |
How do you think it could be improved? |
(4) Among all these information sources you have quoted, what was the main trusted source for nutrition information for you? |
(5) Do you evaluate the information you have accessed? How? |
(6) In your opinion, what is/are the barrier(s) that can prevent women from translating their knowledge into eating practice? |
(7) In your opinion, what kind of nutrition information service/support would help pregnant women to improve their eating practice |
during pregnancy? How would you like that service/support to be provided? |
Prompts |
(i) Who would be the best people to provide this information/support? |
(ii) What are the best ways to provide this information/support? In person? Leaflets? Internet? SMS messages? |
(8) Can you please describe particular topics of nutrition information that you think would be useful for pregnant women? What about |
particular times during the pregnancy when information would be particularly useful? |
(9) Is there anything else you would like to add? |
Note. The key questions exclude questions used to collect demographic data.