The view is from the outside of the capsid and represents the structure of the mature head in which the crosslink has formed. Top panel: The green loop represents the E-loop of the subunit that supplies the reactive lysine Lys 169). The side chain of Lys 169 is shown as red sticks and is attached via the crosslink to Asn 356 (blue sticks) from the adjacent subunit. The side chain of Val 163 is shown as green sticks, and the side chain of catalytic residue Glu 363, which is part of a third subunit, is shown as orange sticks. Most other side chains are represented as space-filling models, and the side chains of Met 339 and Leu 361 are indicated. Bottom panel: Same as top panel, except that Val 163 and the other E-Loop residues are shown in spacefilling form.