Upd3 expression in mud-depleted wing discs. (A and B) Larval wing primordia with clones of cells induced by the MARCM technique expressing Ras-V12 and mutant for scrib1. Clones were positively labeled by the expression of GFP (green), and the tissue was stained for Wg protein (red) and DAPI (blue). (C and D) Larval wing primordia of the indicated genotypes and stained for DAPI (blue), upd3-lacZ (antibody to βgal; green), and Ci (red). en-GAL4 and hh-GAL4 drive expression to posterior (marked as “P”) cells, and the anterior (marked as “A”) compartment is labeled by the expression of Ci. (Scale bars, 50 µm.) (E) Early pupae expressing p35 alone or in combination with mud-RNAi under the control of the ap-GAL4 driver are shown. Note that the size of mud-RNAi–expressing pupae is increased as a result of an extended larval stage.