Soft and mildly stiff phantoms (estimated stiffness values of 3 kPa and 4.5 kPa, respectively) 12 cm in diameter and 11 cm in height were vibrated through contact with a pneumatic driver (a). Elastograms of the soft (b–d) and mildly stiff phantoms (e–g) with the 3 imaging methods: SE-EPI-MRE with 3D processing (EPI-MRE3D) (b, e), SE-EPI-MRE with 2D processing (EPI-MRE2D) (c, f), and GRE-MRE with 2D processing (GRE-MRE2D) (d, g). The measured stiffness values of the soft phantom were 2.4 kPa (b), 2.6 kPa (c), and 2.7 kPa (d) for EPI-MRE3D, EPI-MRE2D, and GRE-MRE2D, respectively. The mildly stiff phantom stiffness values were 4.0 kPa (e), 4.2 kPa (f), and 4.2 kPa (g), respectively. EPI-MRE3D demonstrated slightly lower stiffness values than those of the other methods in both the soft and mildly stiff phantoms.