Visually Guided Robotic Patching Achieves Similar Results to Manual Targeted Patching
Comparison of robotic and manual two-photon targeted recordings obtained from neocortical interneurons in the V1 cortex (triangles for robotic, n = 15; x for manual, n = 14) and from Purkinje cells in the cerebellum (circles for robotic; n = 5). Comparisons are shown as a plot of input resistances obtained versus cell depth (A; left) and mean access resistance ± SEM for each condition (A; right), resting potential versus cell depth (B; left) and mean resting potential ± SEM for each condition (B; right), spike height versus cell depth (C; left) and mean spike height ± SEM for each condition (C; right), and holding time versus cell depth (D; left) and mean holding time ± SEM for each condition (D; right).