Figure 6.
Comparison with the experimental results on cobalt ferrite CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles.
Notes: The SLP values were computed as a function of the magnetic nanoparticle diameter, based on our revised cluster-based model (red solid line) and the Rosensweig model (blue dashed line), using the experimental results and parameters reported by Fortin et al25 (black filled circle). The experimental results and parameters used in the theoretical calculations are summarized in Table 2: cobalt ferrite CoFe2O4, magnetic anisotropy constant Ka=1,200 kJ/m3, domain magnetization of monomers Mdm=425 kA/m, alternating magnetic field frequency f=700 kHz, alternating magnetic field amplitude H0=24.8 kA/m, viscosity of the carrier fluid (water) η=0.0007 kg/m/s, temperature T =300 K, critical temperature T* =358 K, and the mean (standard deviation σ) of the magnetic nanoparticle diameter =9.1 nm (σ=0.22 nm).
Abbreviation: SLP, specific loss power.