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. 2017 Aug 23;13(8):e1005725. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005725

Table 1. Ranking of the neo-antigens identified in four melanoma samples [17,20].

Column 2 shows the mutated neo-antigens (the mutated residue is highlighted in bold). Column 5 shows the ranking based on our predictions (i.e. number of peptide to be tested to find this neo-antigen). Columns 6 to 8 show the ranking based on NetMHC [8], NetMHCpan [12] and NetMHCstabpan [36], respectively. The last column shows the total number of neo-antigen candidates (i.e., all possible 9- and 10-mers encompassing all missense mutations).

Sample Sequence Protein Mutation Rank Net-MHC Net-MHCpan Net-MHC-stabpan # Candi-dates
Mel8 SPGPVKLEL NOP16 P169L 2 7 7 14 1340
Mel5 YIDERFERY SEPT2 Q125R 3 13 37 149 25807
Mel5 ETSKQVTRW GABPA E161K 13 2088 1755 581 25807
Mel15 GRIAFFLKY SYTL4 S363F 3 139 410 481 24766
Mel15 LPIQYEPVL SEC23A P52L 7 1717 672 36 24766
Mel15 KLKLPIIMK AKAP6 M1482I 21 198 100 44 24766
Mel15 GRTGAGKSFL ABCC2 S1342F 243 1115 2085 3207 24766
Mel15 KLILWRGLK NCAPG2 P333L 527 301 184 199 24766
Mel15 ASWVVPIDIK MAP3K9 E689K 3978 1654 1351 3079 24766
12T DANSFLQSV MED15 P747S 38 4206 4176 3181 15750