A) Representative ASAP1 and ASAP2f responses to a single current-evoked AP (black trace). Optical recordings were acquired at 925 Hz with 20 voxels per neuron. Traces are the average of 10 trials. (
B) Mean number of photons emitted per voxel during a 50 μs exposure (n = 23 neurons for ASAP1 and n = 10 for ASAP2f). Data obtained at a holding potential of –70 mV. Individual neurons are shown as gray squares. Black horizontal bars are the means, and error bars are the SEM. (
C) Peak response amplitudes to single current-triggered APs. Each data point (gray squares) corresponds to the mean response amplitude to 10 APs per neuron. n = 23 neurons for ASAP1 and n = 10 for ASAP2f. Black horizontal bars are the means, and error bars are the SEM. Data shown for ASAP1 in B and C is the same data shown in
Figure 4C and E, respectively.