(A–C) Trains of five APs were evoked by current injection at 10 Hz (A), 30 Hz (B), or 100 Hz (C) in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Optical recordings were acquired at 925 Hz with 20 voxels per neuron. Traces are the average of 10 trials and were corrected for photobleaching. Blue, ASAP1; gray, ASAP2f. (D–F) Peak amplitude of ASAP1 and ASAP2f responses to each spike of a train of five APs evoked at 10 Hz (D), 30 Hz (E), or 100 (Hz). n = 7 neurons for ASAP1 and n = 8 for ASAP2f. The ASAP1 data in this figure is also shown in
Figure 8. Symbols indicate the mean and error bars show the SEM.